
Monday, February 04, 2008
Parted Ways/ 11:13 PM

It's official.

After nearly 10 years sticking with her, it's probably time to call it quits. At first it was fascination, a lot of passion and curiousity. I've grown attached to her soon after, knowing what makes her tick and how she 'makes me whole'. Without her, I feel a sense of lost. Was tempted to try others just for the kick of it but at the end of it, it's still her I'm most comfortable with.

Towards the later years, it's more of a reliance and my own resistance to change. It's soon becoming a love-hate relationship cos she's been giving me lots of problems. I've given plenty of consideration before I made that fateful decision. Perhaps, it's also fair to give others a try instead of sticking to one. Who knows what turn out in the end. Perhaps, it's just not meant to be...

Bye Bye Nokia. I've chosen Sony Ericsson.

(Yes yes...it's as gay as my last entry when I bought my n80ie hp...haha)

the tagboard must be in this format, otherwise will be deemed unusable and ugly, out of place. It must be in a width of maximum 230px; which cannot be any smaller as well.

It has to be a total height of 200px as well, otherwise it will stretch and become ugly. and you can look at the screenshot for reference of how it will look like when it's perfect.
let's shine

Learning to love
Learning to live with regret
Learning to forgive
Learning how to forget
Learn to shine & be that guiding light.
Let us all shine.

Remember me the way I am

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