
Monday, September 21, 2009
Voice of Gambit/ 3:47 AM

It's been a few months since I've learnt how to play texas holdem. It started off from facebook which I couldn't understand the craze about it initially. Yet, just like other forms of gambling I've touched before, I can't help but agree that I might have been sucked into its vortex of deadly addiction.

With the guys, we've been faithfully playing every week and Thursdays actually became our official poker nights, where quitters or late-comers will suffer the wrath of our group. It's quite a scene seeing how a group of us started learning from facebook and proceeded on with live sessions when the gratification via online just couldn't satisfy us.

I admit there are elements of gambling involved in texas holdem as risks and odds have to be calculated before the player makes his move, taking into consideration his position and observing other people's actions. When the player makes his move and delivers a bluff that manages to fool the rest in winning the pot, it screws the losers' minds seriously. And winners can in fact get seriously high that derives from knowing you managed to win the money and screwing his mind with the kind of bets you make.

There's no way explaining via words. The only way is truly to experience the game and after some time, knowing the essense of winning is really patience and lots of poker-face moments during action time.

Knowing when to stop and actually enforcing it will critical in ensuring our liking for this game will not spiral out of control. The gambit in me really likes mind screwing my friends from my bets but all these will stop in less than 2 weeks' time when it's time to get really serious.

the tagboard must be in this format, otherwise will be deemed unusable and ugly, out of place. It must be in a width of maximum 230px; which cannot be any smaller as well.

It has to be a total height of 200px as well, otherwise it will stretch and become ugly. and you can look at the screenshot for reference of how it will look like when it's perfect.
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