Thursday, November 24, 2005
Muscle Aches/ 7:43 PM
Exercise East Hawk is finally over. After 4 days of heightened threatcon level from Bravo to Charlie to Delta (War), it's finally back to Bravo since. I wonder if they'll ever revert back to peace time level of threatcon Alpha cos the Lao Jiaos were saying that they used to mount 1, rest 4. But, taking a good look at this region, I don't think there's any likelihood of terrorists-free environment anytime before I ORD. I'm mounting at Northern and during this 4 days of Threatcon delta, I'm quite pleased to see the readiness of the man & commanders in dealing with threats...much thanks to news being leaked out beforehand and hence we're sort of prepared for the vul-tests (vulnerability tests) injected by our commanders. Things can be improved if we're given proper and most importantly, sufficient, equipments during this exercise. Knowing that this is the military, logistics-wise, they really sucked, perhaps due to the large number of people involved in this exercise but I'm prepared to face such shit anyway. 1 of us had to carry 2 empty magazines during duty when early instructions was to carry 2 mags of 25-30 rounds each? The 1st day sucked cos we had to book in by 2300hrs, yet they didn't prepare bunks or transport for us and we had to walk all the way to Northern at around 1am. We had to come all the way back (thank goodness we had transport this time) to base to draw arms on the 2nd day. Food wasn't enough, resulting in some of us had to pay for our own meals from changi village. As I said, this is the military. Everything's a mess.
Spending 4 days with Shift 1 was terrible cos of some of the clashes we had with them. I don't know much cos I'm not involved personally and they didn't bother me much anyway. However, from what I hear from my shift mates, the image they projected to me was that they were a bunch of wussies...I shan't rant further cos there's simply no point in talking about a minority of them that really caused such bad blood among the 2 shifts. Maybe we should just thrash all the misunderstandings out and live on as good neighbours? No point making each other's lives miserable rite?
I'm sitting infront of the com at my uncle's place cos I booked out this evening and I'm required to book in tomorrow by 0730 for COC rehearsals. I think it makes more sense staying at my uncle's place @ bedok reservoir rather than making a trip back home @ jurong east, considering how precious time is. I may adopt such arrangements next year when GOH training for NDP 06 starts from April onwards. At least I've got my ah ma at my uncle's place to cook for me..haha..Hmmmz, I need to train more after frequenting Changi V so much for the past 2 months. My aim is to take on the AHM (Army Half Marathon) next year which I heard is 21km? I've been running for quite some mounts, partly due to feeling guilty from the makan session. For the past 2 mounts, I ran further than my past runs, the earlier one was abt 10-12km, and today's was around 12-14km. Hopefully my determination can persist, I'll slim down & take part in next year's AHM at the same time. This few days will be a test of my physical endurance cos I ran & swam on saturday, played soccer on sunday, mounted many many duties from monday-thursday,ran on thursdays, have drills on thursday, friday and the following monday. I think I need to take a break cos my muscles are aching and I do not wanna make a fool of myself by fainting on the parade square when the new base comm comes to inspect on monday. besides that, anyone wanna run with me?