
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Loss of wisdom. Gain of freedom/ 10:06 PM

I have mounted my final duty last thursday in camp. And I thought that day would never come. During that last mount, I gave the camp surroundings a good hard look. That AETI where all our shit began for us, the 10th FDC. I don't think I need to say more. What's left should remain there. We've survived, that's what's most important. We went in as 1, came out as 1, performed our duties together. Thanks to all who have touched my life in a way or another. It was wonderful to be able to get out of the mundane mounting schedule and especially that dreaded place. But I left camp with mixed emotions. Tough times don't last, tough men do. How true indeed.

I was able to get out of the mounting crap early reason being that I had wisdom tooth surgery the very next day. It seems too coincidental that many NSFs suddenly have WISDOM and desperately want to have them removed towards the end of the 2 year stint. It's a good and wise move though. Besides the MC, the fees were subsidised so I had saved myself $1000 if I were to remove my wisdom tooth as a civilian. I was to undergo General Anaesthesia (GA) cos apparently my wisdom tooth were too close to my nerves and hence, making it too dangerous to be conducted under Local Anaesthesia (LA). As the date for my GA drew near, I had more apprehensions about the op. In the operating room, I struggled to stay awake, fighting the effects of the anaesthesia. After my left arm felt numb, it was KO for me in a matter of seconds.

For the 1st few days, there was swelling in my gum n cheeks and these affected my speech and appetite. After the dentist removed the stitches this morning, it was liberation to me!

Maybe it's the effects of the removed stitches or the fact that weekend is coming soon. I'm actually quite high. Just tried out online chatting over msn with becca who's in taiwan. So cool! Since this worked, I'm gonna try chatting with my grandma who's in sydney rite now.

Life's just beginning for me. Real life - without duties and responsibilities. I'll enjoy every moment of that cos I know it aint gonna last.

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let's shine

Learning to love
Learning to live with regret
Learning to forgive
Learning how to forget
Learn to shine & be that guiding light.
Let us all shine.

Remember me the way I am

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