
Monday, June 12, 2006
Long weekend/ 9:19 PM

Thoroughly enjoyed myself during this 'long weekend'. Had a BBQ session to send off a friend who's going off becoming a chao recruit in a few wks' time. After which, I played mahjong with cs, eric and yujun while catching the world cup at the same time. It was a fatal mistake on my part agreeing to play with only 3 players cos by the end of the game, I lost more than $40... Basically, I just gave away my winning tickets from Singapore Pools to cs.

Slept for 30min after the mahjong session and I was late for my soccer session, which was supposed to start at 10am. No doubt I enjoyed myself once again while with the guys. Perhaps it's due to fatique and lack of sleep, I played pretty shitty other than playing keeper. It's not that I don't wanna be keeper, it's just that my left thumb hasn't recovered from the sprain I suffered a couple of weeks ago from a bball session in camp. Though my performance has been far from ideal, I did made a few nice moves which I think was spectacular.

In my 3rd game, I asked Detong if I could kick off. He agreed and I feigned that I was going to pass for him. "Wait for my signal ah..." was what I told him. Everyone thought I'd pass to Detong and even he himself thought so too. The opposition brought on Mike as a defender at the very last minute. I kept my composure and I was sure the keeper was somewhat out of position and his view of the ball was blocked by James.

"All ok ah? can start liao rite?" Thumbs up from both sides. It's kick off time.

I stole a glance at Detong. Everyone saw it. Before they knew it, I kicked the ball and scored the goal, kicking the team out and they lasted less than 20seconds on the court. My trick worked and all of them thought I'd pass to Detong while I took a shot on the spot that had a little curler with it. I ended up bursting in laughter as everyone including my own team mates were stunned that I actually scored. Haha...I guess this inspired James to do the same later. We were in the same team some time later and he asked me to take a shot while he fakes the opponent. I was eager to do it but thinking of the scene just before when I scored, I couldn't contain my laughter and ended up squatting just before kick off. The opposition was bewildered and James seized the opportunity and actually scored upon kick off as well! Chio lah! I also made a good back heel to James who eventually converted my pass into a goal in the next game.

At the moment, I'm sticking to a running regime which I'll go run once every 2 days. I hope to raise the level of my fitness within a few months time before I ORD. I don't wanna ORD with a big tummy and lousy fitness. That simply ain't like I'd served NS. Hopefully, it'll raise my performance in my future soccer sessions as well.

the tagboard must be in this format, otherwise will be deemed unusable and ugly, out of place. It must be in a width of maximum 230px; which cannot be any smaller as well.

It has to be a total height of 200px as well, otherwise it will stretch and become ugly. and you can look at the screenshot for reference of how it will look like when it's perfect.
let's shine

Learning to love
Learning to live with regret
Learning to forgive
Learning how to forget
Learn to shine & be that guiding light.
Let us all shine.

Remember me the way I am

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